Christ: Our Model of Forgiveness

“Christ:  Our Model of Forgiveness”
Speaker: Very Rev. George Morelli, PhD
Session moderator: Rev. Fr. John-Brian Paprock  

Fr George - "The harvest of forgiveness is theosis."

Speaker Bio:
Very Rev. George Morelli is a professional in the areas of Clinical Psychology and Marriage and Family Therapy. As an Archpriest, an active pastor and leader, he chairs the Antiochian Archdiocesan Department of Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling , and is also Religion Coordinator and Liaison of the Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine. He serves as President of the Society of St. John Chrysostom-Western Region. Fr. George has taught university and seminary courses in psychology and pastoral theology, and supervised doctoral clinical psychology interns. He lives in San Diego, California, where he is Assistant Pastor at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church. He has authored numerous articles in the field of psychology, and is also the author of Healing: Orthodox Christianity and Scientific Psychology. He can be heard on Ancient Faith Radio through his weekly podcast Healing: Orthodox Spirituality and Psychology.
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Very Rev. Fr. George Morelli of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America spoke on the topic forgiveness and the church fathers. His presentation was in a Powerpoint slideshow which will be made available online soon.

Only a bit of audio (about 5 minutes) was captured at the end of Fr. George's talk due to technical difficulties. He mentions a couple of ideas on beginning to forgive and then quotes several fathers including St. Isaac of Syrian and the Good Friday hymn: "Hades ruled the race of men, but not forever..."

This audio of Fr George Morelli was recorded on Saturday, September 17, 2011 by Fr. John Brian Paprock at the Bishop O'Connor Center, Madison, Wisconsin.

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A Reflection on Forgiveness by Fr John-Brian after the conference:

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